Friday, September 3, 2010

practice, practice, practice.....

Well, only one more year until little Jude-man starts kindergarten :( boohoohoo!!  I will be one sad momma that first day!  But, he is ready NOW!!  He tells me all the time that he gets to go to "big kids school" next year- he's so excited!  So, in light of the big day, we have been practicing letters and writing (he also does a once-a-week preschool with his buddy Gibson)  His penmanship is not perfect, but we are making progress :)

In other news, we have still been making fires out back a lot of nights and daddy has started a new tradition I think- story-telling in the tent.  He told me the other day that the kids make up such funny off-the-wall stories and dragged me the tent one night to listen.  The stories started off about two friends named "Snakey" and "Rexy" and they got lost in the jungle and so Rexy's brother Chomper had to come rescue them.....and so on :) Kids sure are imaginative, and its so fun to listen in!  We also did a lot of marshmallow devouring ( except me- I hate plain marshmallows!)

And....yes, that is my husband's camping coffee mug heating up some coffee for him in the fire- I told you he's the next Bear Grylls ;)

Also, my kids have still been obsessed with the flat bread sandwiches and Jude likes to eat his into shapes!

Here he is with Noah's Ark flatbread!! Haha, goofy kid!
Hope you all have a wonderful weekend!!