Thursday, April 17, 2014

oh boy!! back again!

Shewy folks!! Life is always full speed ahead isnt' it?  I have neglected this 'ol blog for quite awhile now, but lately have been getting the itch to write again.  I have no real "theme" for this post except maybe a "lets chat and catch up on life!"  I looked through some of my old posts and realized that the most recent one was right before or around the time I found out I was pregnant with our #4!  Well, #4 is now almost 9 months old and his name is Atticus Lee Williams. :)

 He is a precious little man who loves his momma ;) He is very attached and its kinda really okay with me! ;) I have a feeling this may be the last of our little family (maybe?) and I have honestly felt that with each child my okayness with their attachment has progressively grown, knowing how truly, incredibly fast they grow up! I look at Jude sometimes and I just can't believe I have an almost 8 year old!! Didn't I just graduate high school?!  Man oh man!
 We have grown in size, but our home hasn't- we are all still packed in 1600 square feet and its.......interesting! But I am so thankful for what the Lord has blessed us with and I have no complaints- in fact when we do sell this house, I know that I 'll be very sentimental! I brought all my kids home here and they spent most of their early childhood here.
Thad is about 4 months from graduation- Praise Jesus!!!!! I am soooooo ready for him to be finished!!! He is such a good man who works so hard for his family and I appreciate him so much!
Thad and I are both still involved in ministry at our church (Youth pastors and I'm the Ladies president)
I haven't been helping with youth lately bc of the little man, but we have had an influx of teen girls attending lately so I think its about time for me to head back in.  We have an awesome teen youth worker, Mike, but Thad says he needs a lady helping also.  Atticus probably wont be thrilled, but hopefully mommy Martha (a wonderful dear friend of mine that loves my babies) will be willing to help me out with the little guy.
Jude and Elsie are on Spring Break this week and Im loving it!!! Woohoo!!! Jude is actually in Missouri with Thad's parents and Elsie and the two little boys are at home with me.  We have about a month left of school (if I work it out right) and then SUMMER BREAK!!! I cannot tell you how excited I am for summer break!! Elsie is finishing up 1st grade and Jude is finishing up 2nd grade.  I have been doing a basic preschool with Thatcher this year and he has done so well! He knows his shapes, some colors, and all his letters and letter sounds.  We have also started speech therapy with Thatcher this year to help him along with catching up his speech.  He is progressing so well in only a few months- Im so proud of him!  Little Atticus is growing so quickly! He is crawling all over and getting into everything.  I held off on solids with him, so that is still a work in progress for us and he isn't the best sleeper out of all the kids.  He is still up every two and a half to three hours throughout the night!  I think another benefit of having more than one child is the fact that its gets so much easier to tell yourself that "this too shall pass," because you know from experience that even if, in the moment, it seems so hard and you're so sleep deprived, that it won't last forever (which is exactly what it feels like at 3 a.m.!!).
Well, I am going to end here for now. This post took me all day- I started it at around 10:30 when I laid Atticus down for his nap and I'm just now finishing up at almost 9!! We had a good day though, lots of outside play and the kids had a friend over for the day so I had just a few opportunities to sit down and write! I hope you all had a great day and were able to get out and enjoy the weather!