Wednesday, April 25, 2012

goings on

Right at this moment, I am blogging ( or attempting to) and Jude is at the top of the stairs peeking around the corner and waving to Thatcher who is cracking up, Elsie is dressed in a cow costume ( that actually moos) and pretending she is a dinosaur?  Dinner is in the oven and laundry in the dryer, schooling is done for the day and I am ready to see hubby and just chill for the rest of the day :)  We had a fun weekend over here and it went something like this:
Friday Thad took the day off and took the kids and I out for pizza ( yes, I totally had a cheat WEEKEND!) Thad had to run errands and get ready for the youth camping trip that night.  You remember, hubby LOVES camping and backpacking

So, anyways, we got all the things ready for the trip and made sure we had all the permission slips and all that good stuff and we said goodbye to daddy for the night.  The kids and I went to the dollar store and got some goodies for the night- soup and popsicles :) We came home and had our food and went to bed right at 8 o' clock! I wasnt going to miss out on a whole evening to myself!! I hung out with my friend Ericka until about 9 then she headed off to work and I got some hot tea made, and climbed in bed and just vegged out! It was bliss :)
Here is a peak at my bedside table the next morning (ignore the retainers!!)

I never got around to my nook, but I really need to get back to reading- I have like 4 or 5 books on my currently reading list that I have only just started.  Sigh, I'm working on it!

The next morning (Saturday)  Elsie went with my Mother-in-law and sister-in-law to a girl scout outing- they went to see the movie Chimpanzee :) Jude had a day out with Papaw and I laid Thatcher down for a nap and got back in bed too!! It was wonderful!! haha, you see a running theme here of how going back to bed is such a great thing! :)  Anyways, Thad got home from his camping trip around noon and we just hung out with Thatcher and had lunch.  We got ready and headed to Thad's cousin Ashley's little boys birthday party ( Jude and Elsie stayed at Mamaw and Papaw's the whole day until we picked them up for the party.)  We had a great time getting to see everyone from that side of the family :) We stopped at the grocery for baby food and then headed home, put the kids to bed, and Thad and I followed not too far behind!  Sunday morning, up for church , and then relaxed for the day :) It was really a great weekend!  
We have been outside as much as possible- playing out in the backyard, riding bikes on the sidewalk, and heading out to the bike path

I have been really trying to cook more- I am spending so much on groceries trying to eat organic and just healthier in general, that if anything goes to waste i am so mad at myself!! We have been limiting ourselves to our Friday night pizza night for out to eat and thats it- most f the time ;) There are still occasions where we stop and grab something quick but, rarely anymore.  Here are a couple things I have made lately
Guacamole (which I could eat 24 hrs a day) We make this all the time at my mother- in-laws house- she is who I copied ;)
2 whole avocados mashed
cilantro-to taste- which for me is a whole bucket full ;)
lemon and lime juice-I used one whole lemon and about 5 squirts of lime juice
tomatoes- i used about a handful of grape tomatoes- because its what i had and they are sweeter
seasoning packet- one whole packet ( regular or mild flavor)
you can add onions and other veggies too, but I like mine simple
We used Garden of Eatin' organic Blue Corn Chips- YUM!!!
This is a crock-pot dish that my best friend told me about
Frozen chicken breast- I used about 4
1 whole jar of salsa
Pour both into the crock pot, turn on, once it is cooked, shred chicken with a fork
We put ours on the Smart Sense Tortillas- 13g of fiber/tortilla!!
with cheese, spinach and a little ranch
The kids didn't want tortillas, so they did spinach wraps with theirs
I LOVE to eat, but I DO NOT enjoy cooking, so these things i love b/c they are so simple, but super tasty!

Jude is 100% complete with all his courses except for Phonics, so we will probably be finished with Kindergarten by the beginning of May! :)  He had his Spring testing, and they said he is completely ready for 1st grade!! He is so excited and we are so proud of him!

Here is a few more little things we have been up to lately
Last, but most certainly not least, this is what I saw when I was walking out to my van Sunday
This cat has a sandwich bag on it's head!  I tried walking towards it, but it ran away hahahaha- that made my afternoon- crazy cat!!
Hope you are having a great week!!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Easter weekend

What a week! I feel like I run around all day chasing after kids, cleaning up messes, doing laundry, and all that everyday stuff, that, I, like people who work outside the home, look forward to the weekends! Well, I knew this weekend would be a busy one, but fun also, getting to spend time with family and good friends :)
Friday night I participated in the Good Friday Night of Worship our worship leader ( and my brother-in-law) put together.  I think this is the 3rd year our church has put this together and it has been such a blessing each year!  I am so proud of Steven for listening to the Lord and really putting something of quality together that can honor God on this important day.  Then Saturday, some of our ladies did a bake sale ( which I totally forgot about- I'm a horrible president!) so, I went to check in with them at around 8, grabbed some milk at the store and another egg coloring kit.  Got home to eat some breakfast ( maybe this is another reason I look forward to weekends- Thad cooks!!)  The kids wanted to color some more eggs-Thad had done some with the kids earlier in the week- so daddy boiled about 2 dozen more eggs and we colored all of them! 

 Then we decided to take a walk down to the bake sale and get some goodies!  I bought a can of pop ( I am still pop free!! I haven't had pop for about a month now) to make my beer bread and another carton of eggs, because we boiled all of ours :)  We got home, put little man to bed, and I put my beer bread in the oven and the kids rode their bikes for a little while.
We headed over to Steve and Mendy's house for dinner and an egg hunt.  Lots of good friends and all our family- so much fun!
We spent all day eating, playing, and enjoying spending time together.  We headed home about 7, made a pit stop at the dollar store for some pecans and wipes.  We got the kids' baths and put Thatcher to bed.  Jude and Elsie stayed up and made resurrection cookies- the link to where I found this recipe is here. It was so neat to see their reactions and an awesome way to make what Jesus did for us very real for the kids.  
After we sealed up the oven, the kids went to bed and so did we!! The alarm went off at 5:30 a.m. the next morning and we got the kids up and brought them to sunrise service in jammies :) We ended up getting home about 8:45, enough time to get the kids in their Easter outfits ( which I forgot to take pictures of!) and headed back to the church for sunday school and morning worship.  We came home, ate leftovers, and took naps!! At 3:30 my mom called and reminded us to head over to my aunts house for dinner and another egg hunt:)  We stuffed ourselves silly and the kids got MORE candy ( which they are still eating!) It was a beautiful day!
We had a wonderful weekend, and are so thankful for what Christ did on the cross! Praise the Lord! 
I hope everyone had a great Easter weekend!

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Spring Break

We are on Spring Break!!! Wooohooo!!  So enjoying the break!! I was tempted to have Jude work on stuff during break, but have decided the rest is needed and we are taking full advantage of no schoolwork!!  Elsie has finally learned to ride her bike- she just couldn't get pedaling down- now she has it and she has been riding her bike everyday! We have also been doing a lot of this sort of stuff:
chalkboard drawing
playing with little Thatcher :)  I am so glad my kids get along pretty well ( most of the time! ) They have spats here and there, but nothing major, and they like the same things so they play well together :)
Also, Jude has joined karate and LOVES it!! Its so cute and funny to watch him try the moves ;)
The Sensei's are hilarious but they keep a tight ship and they kids aren't allowed to horseplay.  They have a routine ( Khata?) that they have to learn and master to move to the next belt.  They also have a Bible verse with each belt that they have to memorize- Jude has Phillipians 4:13 :) We wanted to try it out first- we have been going for about 2 months now- to see if Jude liked it and wanted to stick with it, he loves it so we are going to get our binder with each Khata on it and get his gi and belt.  
Well, we are thoroughly enjoying our break over here and hope everyone is having a great week also!!