Friday, February 11, 2011


Well, I am going to try really hard to do a post a week at least!! Hopefully I will be able to stick with it :) Its seems though, that every time I start my new post, the kids need something.....they're hungry, thirsty, want a book read to them, are bringing every toy they own down the stairs....etc so I have to sneak this time in when I can.  This week has been sort of a bummer week for me, for a couple reasons.  First a sweet woman at our church has a daughter who is pregnant, but just found out she may have cervical cancer.  My heart is just so sad for this mother and daughter, please remember to pray for them. I cant imagine how hard it would be to find out your child may have cancer, that dreaded disease, but to add to it that she is also pregnant, would just be terrifying!  Please, please remember these precious ladies!  
The next, I'll be vague about, just got my feelings hurt by a few harsh words and I guess its just pregnancy hormones, but it has had me bummed out all week!  ugh...
Lastly, last week, Jude had to go to the hospital.  He had been sick all weekend, but on tuesday about 1 in the afternoon, he started complaining about his right side hurting really bad.  Naturally I just thought, "oh no, his appendix" so, I called his pediatrician and on the way to the appointment, Jude started really hurting and crying, it just killed me.  Well, the doc checked him out and told us to go straight to Dayton Children's ER.  On the way, it was horrible, Jude was screaming in pain.  I had never seen him act like that before and it really had me scared!  After a three hour wait in the waiting room ( which was ridiculous) Jude got some x-rays and the dr. pretty much told us Jude was full of gas a poop!!! Ugh, I don't even want to know how much that just cost me!!  So bummed about that whole thing bc, essentially its my fault ( don't we always do this as mom's, blame ourselves?)  b/c we hadn't been eating the greatest, just a lot of snacking around during the day and not eating meals very well ( although, I rarely buy junk food, just not eating regularly or things with a lot of fiber can mess you up)   Anyways, I felt horrible about not being more mindful about my children's eating habits.  Im sure these are things that most mom's can relate to....its daunting being a parent! I think sometimes, " you know, my kids probably think Im nuts!!"  When you're little you always think that your parents should have it all together and never make mistakes.  Now, as a parent, you understand how wrong that idea was.  We are all still human, still learning and growing too, along with our kids.  I have to remind myself of this often, like those days that Elsie has an accident and we had planned on being out all day and it didnt even cross my mind to make sure I had extra clothes in the truck, or when I send my kids to bed for the 3rd night in a row without brushing their teeth. "I am human, I make mistakes, my kids will not be in therapy bc of this silly thing...." maybe this is my new mantra haha!  Anyways,  ( although I highly doubt anyone had it in their heads that I had it all together!! ;) ) I hope this in a weird way, is an encouragement to you, our kids will most likely turn out pretty darn good even though they have cavities and $3 leggings from walmart bc we forgot the extra clothes :)  I'll leave you with a few things that I have been trying to capture from our daily lives....I read this blog and she does a POTD ( picture of the day) every single day and has for about 3 or 4 years I think.  This made me really want to kind of document our daily lives with pictures, so here's a few pictures of things that I think describes our lives day to day.........
I'm usually not a big pringles person, but I really like the dill pickle chips flavor ( can someone say "pregnancy stereotype!!")
Please tell me your silverware drawer looks like this too??  With all the kids little utensils and medicine droppers and straws, this is about as organized as it gets!
Each member of our family has a big nalgene bottle that we drink out of here at home ( the kids each have smaller versions too)  We love these!
Is your family brand-loyal to anything?? We are definitely a Mac family.....and I so wish I had an iPad to photograph, but its definitely on my wishlist!! Also we are with Sprint, so Im hoping that by my next renewal that Sprint will have the iPhone!! I just think Mac are such better quality and look sleeker and cleaner, blah, blah, blah ;) 
I'll leave you of a picture of my kids this morning who were still sleepy and wanted a video after breakfast......Have a great weekend!!

p.s. this was Jude's 3rd pancake that morning!!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Saturday Morning Breakfasts

Well, usually on Saturday mornings unless Thad has to work, he makes us breakfast.....which I l.o.v.e.!! Also Thad can get pretty inventive when he cooks so on the menu this morning was mint chocolate chip pancakes......soooo good!!
And while I love and appreciate this yummy breakfast this is the part that I don't like....cleanup, but I figure, its only fair ;)
The kids inherited their love of chocolate form their mommy...
Lately, we have done a little rearranging here at our house.  We have a little room on the back of the house that has been our tv/playroom for awhile now.  This room has been a few things- first just a junk/storage area and dog room ( poor Lucky) it did have the original lanolium that was getting nasty from Lucky and so after she wasn't in the house, we turned it into the tv room, that (as with everything in a house with a toddler) slowly turned into a playroom.  We finally two years ago got carpet laid in their which made it much warmer and more comfy for movies.  Just a couple weeks ago though we decided to let it be just a play room- with two kids and one on the way, it just made sense. Soooo.....we moved the tv into our bedroom (meaning, it really never gets watched anymore which is fine by me....more on that later) and let the kids get a new little toy storage and bring alot of their toys from their rooms downstairs.  The room is always total chaos and desperately desperately needs painted, but alas, here are a few photos of the new playroom...ugh...
all of the dvd's were still on top of the drawers and those white chairs hadn't been moved yet ( they've since been relocated)

This one above- you can see where Elsie found a good place to write with a pencil on the wall ;)
Speaking of painting though, my very talented and good friend Janine painted Elsie's room this fall for me and it turned out perfect, just like I'd hoped! Her room was originally tan like the playroom, but we painted it a sky blue and she did the pink and purple tree and birds

we are supposed to start working on Jude's room, but Im still undecided about what I want- robots, dinosaurs....something that will be cool even when he's 10, so I can wait awhile to repaint ;)  

The kids have a few times managed to talk me into letting them watch a movie in my room ( we only have 1 tv in our house...I know....rare, but we watch mostly on our desktop bc we do netflix, so we hardly ever get dvds and I must admit that if I let my kids start watching tv, they could sit ALL DAY I avoid it haha) I did let them snuggle up on my bed and watch a bunch of old cartoons that we have on dvd- they had a good time and look so cute :)
We've been having ALOT of bad weather lately though, so lounging around in pj's in mommy's bed watching old cartoons sounds like just what the doctor ordered ;) Hope everyone is having a great weekend.....we are :)