Wednesday, April 27, 2011

just life...

You know, I have been thinking alot lately about life, obviously, my life in particular.  I really do love the blogging world, bc you get to read so many blogs of ppl who are like you and have the same goals/interests/lifestyles as you.  It is so encouraging to me to see so many stay at home mom bloggers who are doing something so important for their family.  I have very strong opinions about staying at home.  I also feel like we sahm's get a bad wrap sometimes bc you know, all we do is watch soap operas and eat bon bon's right??  I know that staying at home to take care of my family and house ( and the million other things we take care of) is an extremely important job!! I also sometimes feel though that there is more I could be doing, more I could be learning, more I could be trying....I guess I have been feeling like setting some big goals for myself and our family.  I would really LOVE to contribute financially to our family, but I won't stop being a sahm- this is one of my new goals....I have a few ideas rolling around.  Aaannnyways, I just feel a little tugging to go further and do ever get that feeling? Like you've been content for too long?  Its time to get moving!  Don't be afraid to set goals and try your best to reach them!

AAhhh, now that that is out of the way, we have been doing a little painting around here lately ;)
Elsie had a little too much fun with the red paint haha! 
This weekend was also Easter weekend, we had a BUSY weekend to say the least, but not too busy to overlook the fact of what Jesus did for us, and for that we will be ( literally) eternally grateful! We love us some Jesus!! Here are some of the things the kids got for easter and them dressed up for church ( warning: lots of pics, only bc my kids are crack-ups when they get their pictures taken and I think they are hilarious!)
I tried a few more pictures then I just gave up! ;)
Elsie lately has seriously been liking baths- she begs to take them and will play forever!  ( yes, this blog post is all over the place...hang on to your hat ha!)
She's a nut ;)
Last, but not least, I may start doing a book reviews section on here too- I read....A LOT!!! So, that may be something I could handle talking about ;)  soooo.....Book review #1- "The Same Kind of Different as Me" by Ron Hall and Denver Moore.  What a good book!! I loved it ( and an easy read, I read it in an afternoon)  It's a true story about a black man who is basically a slave even into the late 1960's who travels to the state of Texas and meets a rich white couple who change his life ( and him, their's)  I really loved this book- a reminder for all of us of what Christian service truly is, and how to see the heart of every person, the way Jesus does.  Anyways, let me know some good book recomendations and let me know if you have read or decide to read this book and what you thought/think!! :) Have a great rest of the week!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

playing and crafting

My kids LOVE to go to the library ( which I love bc I also LOVE the library!)  They typically pick out story books, but these last couple times, they have found ( thanks to daddy ) craft books....which equals ...mess! We have done a bunch out of the dinosaur craft book Jude found, and my kids reaally really love pipe cleaners- which really works out bc they are not messy and they are really fun ( just ask my kids!) so needless to say, I stocked up on pipe cleaners and just get the bag out for my kids when they want to do a craft :)
Jude is making train tracks and Els is making a dinosaur with an egg carton skirt ;) 
Speaking of reading, today Elsie brought me a pile of books to read bc we were all a little bored sitting around the house.  We read this pile and Elsie dozed off- here is what we are doing....
Jude is trying his best to be quiet since sissy is asleep....

This is what I should be doing, but, you know, dishes are pretty loud ;)
I have to say, this is my least favorite thing to do- I HATE dishes- even more than laundry!! 
Something else my kids have been obsessed with for a LONG time is Angry Birds- and now Mac has an app store for desktops, so we have full screen version of Angry Birds!! Jude is loving it!
I made my kids french toast the other day for breakfast and it was a hit with Jude, but I am beginning to think that Elsie is not a breakfast person- she ate all the fruit, but left the toast....
Elsie also doesnt like syrup- weirdo ;)
Sorry, we have been a boring bunch lately, so not much else to report- we are eagerly awaiting warmer weather and being outside- we are tired of being cooped up all day!  We are supposed to have warm weather this weekend, and we are going to watch my inlaws dog for them, while they are on vacation for spring break, so hopefully we'll be out more this weekend!
Also, my best friend just had her beautiful daughter Macy Rose this weekend!! So happy for them, and now I cant wait for my turn!
Well, I will leave you with this picture that I thought was cute- I told Elsie to take her boots off- she was a good listener :) This is exactly how I found them...