Friday, May 18, 2012

Food Friday

Hello!! Its Food Friday.....buuuut...for some reason, I cannot load pictures and it would be a really boring post if I just listed what we ate :( I am going to try my phone and see if I cant get it to work for me, but, if not, Im sure you're not too disappointed bc I was sick this week and didn't cook a whole lot anyways

Tuesday, May 15, 2012


well life around here had been mostly out of doors for my children. As soon as they get done with breakfast they are ready to go outside. :-) I really don't mind, my house stays cleaner! Elsie had been really into coloring sticks with chalk and we now have a whole collection of them. The kids also, a couple of weekends ago wanted to make tie dye shirts so daddy bought the kit and we made some pretty sweet shirts! ;) Jude is completely done with kindergarten and is loving the more relaxed days. I am going to keep doing things over the summer, but I'll share that in another post . I just want to try and keep a pretty good routine down, and don't want him to forget what he has learned this year. Sorry if this post is all over the place, I am trying to blog from my phone, and I'm feeling horrible today (sinus infection, I think) I'm gonna end for today, pray for me if you think about it, see you for foooood Friday!!

Monday, May 14, 2012

what a character

Do you ever read something, or watch something and think- "what a character!"  I do this alot and one of my favorite books and movies is "To Kill a Mockingbird" I absolutely love the characters and think of it often when I am doing certain things. Atticus Finch is an iconic father figure and I think of his character alot when disciplining my kids and telling them stories.  I also really wanted to name my kids Atticus and Scout, but Thad wasn't to keen on those names ;)  My all-time favorite character from the book is Scout though, and I can see a lot of her in my Elsie
Scout HATES wearing dresses and Jem (her brother) teases her on her first day of school bc she has to wear one.  Elsie doesn't mind wearing dresses, but she wants to change into pants or shorts as soon as she can- Scout likes playing with the boys, Elsie very much likes playing with the boys and playing boy things, she really has never been interested in dolls or Barbies.  She likes Hotwheels and Legos :) She loves to hunt bugs with Jude and would play outside all day if I let her.  Elsie, on the other hand, isn't as stubborn as Scout, and her favorite color is pink :) But I think of Scouts character a lot when I think of how Els is and I have to say, I don't mind the comparison!
What character  ( in literature or in the movies) do you love?

Friday, May 11, 2012

Food Friday

Alright folks, I know that you may be sick of me talking about food, but here comes some more!  I am going to start doing weekly posts with specific themes to keep myself motivated to blog! The first one being......drum roll.....FOOD FRIDAYS!!   I will probably only be posting recipies here and there, mainly I am just going to kind of show you what we have been eating ( mainly the kids)  for that past week.  So, I am going to just jump right in :)
Shrimp Alfredo- Jude usually only eats the shrimp, Elsie, the noodles
Organic, green beans, and broccoli cooked in coconut oil, organic strawberries, and cornbread with unsalted REAL butter- this was our lunch for me , Jude and Elsie
This was Thatcher's :)
Dinner- Panini
Lunch- Organic Peanut butter-crunchy, Organic Broccoli, raisins
Baked chicken with Italian dressing, and parmesan cous-cous 
Veggie stir-fry cooked with coconut oil and unsalted real butter
I didnt give Thatcher the veggies, just bc of how they were cooked, so he got this- kiwi, organic zucchini squash steamed, and baked chicken cooked in red wine vinegar- turned our chicken pink- Elsie loved it! ;)
Here are a few things we have been snacking on
Thatcher's all time favorite snack- Blackberries!
Craisins and organic creamy p.butter
Thatcher and Elsie love this stuff- Jude, not so much, we also ALWAYS have the dried salted edmame and the wasabi peas
We have been trying really hard to eat clean throughout the week, but here are a couple weekend snacks that snuck in :)
so yummy!
Thad and I had this snack after pizza night with our movie :)
Well, there you have it, the first food friday- hopefully this will maybe just give you some ideas to incorporate into your own meals :) Have a great weekend!