Friday, March 30, 2012

catching up

well, now that I feel like we are back on track and rolling right on down the road, I have time to blog again whooooooo!!!  I have lots of pictures and stories to share :)   So, I just have to say, I am ready for spring break!  no, we are not going anywhere, we are having a good 'ol staycation and Im so ready!! We have been pumping out the lessons here like its nobody's business and as of right now, Jude should be completely done with school in the middle of May!!! We have had so much fun this year, but we are all ready for a break!  I took some pictures the other day I was going to scrap of what the desk looks like on a typical school day :)
sight words-
a snack of course
The computer, a drink, and some notebooks
Dictation notebook for practice with spelling and handwriting
a look inside- doing pretty good :)
and the little student hard at work ( at the playroom table)
Im in love with this picture :) so precious to me!
Also, I have been ( thanks to pinterest for the idea)
taking Thatcher's picture each month.  The kids wanted in on the fun hehe- they're silly!
They thought this was so cool ;)
 Here is little Thatcher man's newest picture
I think Thatcher is my most spoiled baby yet!! He is a true mama's boy!! He has learned to crawl which has made my life a little easier- I can walk out of the room and he knows that he can come and get me now ;)
He is also, eating like he hasn't eaten for weeks- the boy can really put the food away!! And (thankfully) he is not picky!  Some of his favorites are sweet peas and spinach and carrots, and he also loves bananas and mangoes.  I have been doing a lot of the baby led weaning, giving them the food to pick up on their own and eat, so when I do try to give him jar food or fresh homemade food from a bowl- I HAVE to give him finger foods every few bites or he gets mad!!  His favorite finger foods are grapes ( cut up very small)  steamed carrots or squash, bananas, cheerios, and blackberries
We have tried a lot of finger foods and he loves pretty much everything- one that he was kind of iffy about was avocados which Im fine with b/c I could eat them all day long, so more for me ;)  

We have still slowly been plodding our way to organic/all-natural foods and products.  Thatcher's foods, I buy exclusively organic except for the occasional beechnut fruities in the pouch and that is mostly for convenience b/c those are something very quick that he can do himself if we are on the go. I also buy the Materne brand from Wal-mart that is all-natural, but they only make applesauce, so eh, choosing my battles.  I'm still hooked on my organic chai- but we have become obsessed and our collection has grown!
My kids also have a new food obsession
They could literally eat a cutie for every meal!
and so could Thatcher ;)
one of my favorite organic products so far has been my shampoo and conditioner
My hair has honestly never felt better ( its is in desperate need of a trim though) 
Anyways, I have been doing pretty good on my goals so far.  See the list here
1. read 10 books from the classic literature list- this is the one I haven't made that much progress on b/c I haven't had time to do much more reading than my devotions, but I have come to the conclusion that Im really not a Dickens fan.....sorry.
2. Keep track of all the books I read this year-......well, thats been pretty easy b/c I haven't been reading much
3. Read the Bible through- again, have been reading my Bible, but just my normal devotions ( which I have been doing a psalm a day) hoping to reach this goal!
4. Teach my children the importance of reading classic lit. and reading in general- we have been working on Treasure Island still and this summer I think we will move on to the Little House books
5. Watch less t.v.- this has been going fairly well thanks to the beautiful weather we have been having!
6. Eat better- we have been doing much much better with this- eating much healthier (with one cheat day a week) and trying to really be conscience about what we are putting into our bodies as far as hormones, pesticides and everything that come with processed foods
7. Lose weight- I have really been working at this goal for the past week and a half and have already lost 9 lbs!! This is significant for me and I am already feeling so much more comfortable in my clothes and I am loving the my fitness pal app- so helpful!!
8. Get up to date with memory keeping- besides still being sure that I am taking pictures of everything ( especially just our daily lives) I have completely failed at this one!! I really want to get up to date with things!
9.  Give more- this is a very personal goal and I don't wanna share a whole lot about it, but I'll say I feel the Lord really working in me with this goal!
10. Grow in the Lord- again, a very personal goal- growing daily :)
Hope you all have a wonderful weekend as we gear up for Spring Break and the Easter holiday :)
my cute little spring salt and pepper shakers :), okay, Im done for real- have a great weekend!

Thursday, March 29, 2012


Sooooo.....its been awhile! I am horrible...HORRIBLE!! at keeping up with blogging!!  But, you know, Im okay with it- I am a mommy of 3 little ones, homeschooling Jude, involved in my church, head of ladies ministry, and a youth pastors wife- shew! I have been working on BALANCE these past few weeks.  It is extremely hard to find balance these days!! I feel overwhelmed alot and like I should be doing a better job in most areas of my life.   Chaotic was the best way to describe how I felt.  I was having a hard time keeping up with everything.  So one day, I just spent all day getting organized. My brother and sister in law took Jude and Elsie to the zoo, so I was running around like a crazy woman doing laundry ( Thatcher sadly, spent most of the day in the exersaucer)  cleaning, organizing, making lists and checking things off- iCal has become one of my best friends!! So, now for about a week, I have felt *big breath* like I can breathe again!! So, thanks to my sweet family and my amazing organizing skilld (ha!! riiiiight....) I feel back on track now- I feel like we have balance again :)  What are some of your best organizing tips and things you do to keep balance?