Thursday, July 29, 2010

Some of Summer

I have to start off by saying...I despise summer- yes, its true! I was pregnant with both of my kids through the summer and I hate being hot and sweaty ( i dont mind it if Im doing something to get sweaty like weeding flower beds or mowing or something, but hate sweating just from sitting outside!)  But my kids (like all kids I think) LOVE summer! They just love being outside period- no matter what the weather!  I do really enjoy watching them play and having fun! This year Jude got a slip and slide for his birthday (thanks Stephanie!)  So they have been playing on that a lot and they crack me up!! Both of them don't know how to run and slide so I kinda try to push them down it but mostly they just run on it and stomp in the pool at the end- also they love to drink the sprinkles!!

One thing I DO like about summer is that all the fresh fruits and veggies are so cheap!!  My kids are pretty darn good eaters and so we try our best to eat somewhat healthy ;)  My kids LOVE fresh fruits- a few of their favorites are blackberries and raspberries, strawberries, blueberries,  and grapefruits ( Elsie is also a little obsessed with watermelon!)  But I think our favorite summer food is by far- corn on the cob!!  My kids love to shuck the corn and pull off every little tiny hair, which in turn, uses less toothpicks in the end ;)     

Okay, enough talk about food ( I'm getting hungry how about you?)  Tonite we are doing Slosh Wars for FBI and Jude couldn't be more excited! He is dyeing to use his new squirt gun that we got from a friend's garage sale ( thanks Adam and Beka!)  So, we are going to have lots of fun water games for the students and praying that they will bring their friends! I am so excited about what God is doing in our ministry and with our students! Please be in prayer for us!  Anyways, summer once again prevails- Im going to be outside all night!! haha! Have a great Thursday!

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Random thoughts

A Few Random Thoughts for the Day
cleaning house...story of my life! :)
Getting ready for a going away party for very good friends, that I'm so sad to see go! Jimmy and Selina- we have had such a good time getting to know you, we love you guys and pray that your move will go smoothly!  It's STINKS seeing good friends leave!  But, so awesome to see ppl that are so in love with Christ, that they are willing to relocate again to remain in His will! Jesus is awesome!

So....anyways, Im getting the house clean and thinking how blessed I am! I have a house- albeit, one that needs lots of work ;), but nonetheless, a roof over my head, food in my fridge, bills paid, and central air ( PRAISE THE LORD!!)  haha! But, its so easy to get caught up in the day to day stuff that we forget to count our blessings- I have such a wonderful family and great friends 

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

my so called life

phew! Im tired!! (ended up staying up too late last night trying to clean and read) Its only tuesday and Im feeling exhausted!  I'm getting the feeling that this isnt my life :)  Ever get the feeling you're living your life for everyone else but yourself??  I know that its definitely part of ministry and of being a mom and wife, but sometimes doesnt it just get tiring?  *SIGH*  That is why we cannot do anything worthwhile without Christ, and His help! I can't do any of my "jobs" on my own- I would have been in the nuthouse a LOOOONG time ago if I had tried!!  I think maybe I need a "mommy's day out"!!!  But, I do have an amazing hubby that helps so much, and is a great daddy!!  

Anywhooo... enough whining!  Elsie and I got our hair cut yesterday!! I was sooo excited, as this is Elsie's first official haircut! It turned out soo cute!  She looks so grown up now, which makes me kinda sad :(  My baby is growing up!  Im so glad I am blessed to not to have to be a working mom, I get to see my kids grow up and really be involved!  But, right now......I need a nap! :) 
( Here's some cute pics of Elsie's hair cut yesterday :) )


Wednesday, July 14, 2010

My first BLOG!!

My first ever blog! I am kind of excited- kind of nervous :S Im not a great writer by any means, but have always loved keeping journals. I love the idea of putting down thoughts/ideas/feelings in writing and now I get to share them with people-( atleast people who are in any way interested in my life haha) 

 Well, here goes........ I woke up this morning still a little groggy from lack of sleep( typical mom epidemic) but for some reason just had this great feeling, like I somehow knew it was going to be a great day! I had a stressful day yesterday trying to get things together for my message to the teen girls for thursday night, trying to get things together for the garage sale this weekend, and keeping my house clean, kids fed and entertained. I started to get a little overwhelmed with life yesterday, then I was working on my message for thursday night ( Thad and I are interning to become the new youth pastors at our church), and started getting into the Scriptures, I just had a peace flow over me- realizing that the God of Heaven cares about me sooo much- even in the little mundane things of life. What a great Savior we have! 

 Anyways, Its sunny outside today, nice change from the last few days, and I feel like getting out!! I may just end up pulling weeds, but my kids will have fun if has anything to do with being outside! I still have TONS to get together for the garage sale this weekend too. I was going to go through all of my kids' clothes ( i seriously have like 12 totes of too small clothes in my storage shed!) but now Im questioning wether I really want to do i gonna have more babies??? I just dont know yet, so Im not sure im ready to get rid of anything in those totes quite yet! we speak my 'getting to big already' kids are upstairs playing together, but I cant help but think it would be so nice to have another little baby around to snuggle and take care of. Such a dilemma!! I guess whatever happens, happens- Im pretty good at going with the flow!