Thursday, December 29, 2011

snatched a bit of time to blog

Wow- time has just really flown by this year! I cant believe that my kids are getting so big, its such a bittersweet thing to watch- my kids growing up.  I have been thinking a lot lately about my kids and how we are raising them ( do you all question every single thing you do as a parent?? I do!) There was this little girl, I overheard talking a few years ago who saw some boys skateboarding around on the sidewalk and made the comment " I bet they don't go to church" This just made my heart sad- she was young, and still very much influenced by her parents ( good and bad, as all our children are at a young age) but I thought, " boy, it sure is sad that we, as adult Christians make the same quick judgement calls on "certain" people.  These certain people can be whatever in christian society is deemed "bad" I know I may come across as a liberal, tolerant of all things kind of "christian" right now, but honestly I don't care. The point Im trying to get across ( to myself included, bc as much as we don't want to be, we can all be guilty of this at times) is that, as christians, we should show, give, spread, have LOVE!  I am in no way excusing or justifying things that are wrong ( the Bible is very clear about sin ) but, I have just been feeling like its so easy in our little christian bubble to look past people we judge as not looking the right way, not talking the right way, not being just like the cookie cutter christian is "supposed" to be.  God is love- yes, God is jealous, God will punish sin, but God is a loving God and is so outside of our realm of understanding that we cannot even begin to comprehend the love He has for us, and we are called children of God- lets show that to the world instead of quick judgements and harsh words.

Big sigh :) okay, the reason I said that whole spiel is because I am constantly reminding myself that the things I do, the things I say, and the way I act will have a direct effect on my children and how they do things, say things, and react to things.  I want my children to have love and compassion for other people and to understand what that means- to really care for other people.  I also, have been really wanting to teach them the importance of family, and spending time together as one- i know that i only have a certain amount of time before they won't want to spend time with us- they will have friends and other more "important" people to spend time with, but I hope we can instill a good family time routine, that will maybe even last through adolescents.  We did have a wonderful time with our family during the christmas holiday this year, but more on that later ( I haven't even caught you up on Thanksgiving- geesh!)   I have one last thought on this childrearing topic ;) I was talking to a good friend recently and told her how, when people compliment my children, I usually brush it off and say how they are rotten most of the time.  I told her how, when I think about it later, I always regret saying it, b/c, although I don't want people to, in anyway, get the idea that i think my kids are perfect or better than other kids ( b/c i know they are not) I also, don't want my kids to always get the message that even when they are well behaved it still isn't good enough, they are still rotten.  I think about how, as babies, we praise every little thing that they do- crawling, walking, learning to feed themselves, but then it just kind of stops there- then discipline sets in and we can sometimes over-criticise our children ( i still haven't figured out the balance of teaching my kids, and when to just let them be kids and remembering they will act like kids)  Anyways, I think we should be our kids biggest cheerleaders and always make sure they know we are so proud of them!

Last topic is FOOD!! How is it that i always end up talking about food, but I hate to cook it??  haha!! I do enjoy food though, at least the eating part! Anyways, we are slowly trying to make our way to more whole/organic foods and just healthier eating all around.  Its expensive, so I know there are things i just wont be able to afford to buy organic, but we are trying, and I am really enjoying it- it really makes such a difference in the way you feel.  I also want my kids to have healthy eating habits and not be picky eaters!!  I will keep you updated on how things are going and what adjustments we have made so far in another post, but we are liking it so far!! Hope you all had a wonderful holiday and are looking forward to the new year!!

P.S. I did finish the book "Comes a Horseman"- really pretty good, kinda scary in some parts, but I liked it alright.  Not even half way through "Uncle Tom's Cabin" I think this will be one that I finish over time, but I really like it so far! Also, completely stopped reading "Mein Kampf" not sure if I will have the stamina and persistence to try that one again??  We shall see :)

Monday, November 14, 2011

Books! :)

I dont think I have any pics to go along with post- which is usually what determines what I write about. This post I just wanted to write about a few books I have read as of late.  I have read some really great things lately and I am so excited to share them! The first one that I read recently was called " The Debt" by Angela Hunt.  Wow!! Such a good read!! I was so blown away by this book- it had to have been the Lord that made me pick this out of all the others at the library- its exactly what I have been feeling about ministry and church- we need to start thinking outside our four walls and get our eyes off of our needs and look at the needs of others!! I guarantee you will not regret reading this one!  Also if you like non-fiction, I read, a long time ago, the book about the Jewish Dr who was forced to work in the concentration camp in Auschwitz- it is called "Auschwitz" by Miklos Nyiszli. A hard read in the fact that its just very descriptive, but a pretty short book- only about 200 pages.  Also, I have to bring up "The Hunger Games" series.  I usually never get secular fiction, just b/c sometimes it can be just as bad a rated R movie.  But I had heard so much about this series that I wanted to check it out- it was actually the first book i bought on my nook last year.  I couldn't put it down and within like a 5 day period I had bought and read all three and have read them all a few more times each since.  These books are pretty gory- in a war- like way, not in a blood and guts, scary movie way.  I am really looking forward to the movie adaptation of the first book, but kind of dreading it at the same time- as we all know the movie never does the book justice, and I have a feeling this one will definitely fall into that category.  I am currently reading 3 books ( eeek!! what am I thinking!!) one that my father in law gave me called "Comes a Horseman" which is pretty good, but kind of creepy.  I am also reading "Uncle Tom's Cabin" by Harriet Beecher Stowe- a classic, that I finally got around to picking up.  And lastly, Thad and I are reading "Mein Kampf" by Adolph Hitler.  I am so interested the the world war II era for some reason and love reading things from that time period.  I can tell this is going to be a hard read- its long and he was a very intelligent man, and writes that way, but I have always wanted to read it- so here it goes!  Anyways, hope one of you guys will pick one of these up and enjoy them!! What are you all reading now- what books do you recommend??

Monday, September 26, 2011

the rest of summer.....

This is my life- only finding time to blog at almost 12 at night!! Oh well, I guess! Anyways, been thinking alot about the church and what we are about.  This has alot to do with the outreach that we have been planning and praying about and for at our church.  About 2 months ago or so, our pastor shared with us something that the Lord had burdened his heart with.  For too long all of our churches have been reactive- never proactive- in our communities!  We need to actively pursue a relationship with the people in our community- we need to let them literally see the love and caring of Jesus through His church/people!  So we have joined our pastor and, I believe, the heart of God in this new outreach.  For the first month we simply ( but most importantly) PRAYED for our surrounding neighborhood.  Then we MET them- we went door to door with goodie bags and information about our service times and TALKED to our neighbors!  Our goal wasn't to ask them to come to our church- our goal was to show them that someone cares- WE CARE!  We did three nights going door to door, with varied reactions from people, most went well though.  Thad and I went out the last day ( Saturday) and it was awesome!! I had gone door to door before in the Philippines ( very intimidating mostly bc of the language barrier, but the people were hungry for the Lord!!) But it was really a great feeling to not just be the church sitting up on the hill, but to really be a place where people know they are welcome, and that no matter where you come from, or where you are in life- we genuinely care about you.  I was telling a friend the other day, that for about the past year the Lord has been speaking two very specific things to me. For the first while, it seemed like every time I would go to prayer, I just felt the Holy Spirit impressing on me to be reverent before the Lord.  I guess I would describe it like, how we tell our children that when they pray, to talk to God like he is your buddy ( which I know we can talk intimately with the Lord, and that that is a great way to describe prayer to our children) but, I felt like I should just stand in awe of the Lord- be totally aware and consumed with the fact that HE is holy, and righteous, and just and He in no way needs me, but I desperately am in need of Him!! Then the last part of that year, I felt like the Holy Spirit just always led me to pray specifically that the Lord would go before me and come behind me and be all around me, protect me, and guard me.  That He would provide for me and take care of me, that He LOVED me! I think, this is what people desperately need to hear- that God is holy and righteous, and demands that we strive after that in our own lives, but that He loves us with a greater love than we could ever fathom!!  I know I need to hear that! Anyways, I am so excited about what the Lord is doing in our church and in our little town!! 
I know my title said the rest of summer, so I'll get to it! :)  Jude had a birthday this summer and we had a pool party with all his friends
He is such a big kid now- ugh, I hate it! I want my kids to stay babies ;)  He had a great time and we are so thankful for all wonderful friends and family we have that came out to show Jude love on his birthday!  Jude got some serious cash for his big day, and he decided that he wanted to spend it on one big thing instead of alot of little was daddy's idea ( isnt it always??)
The hamster is blurry, bc they are fast little guys, but he ended up getting two hamsters, a cage and all the accessories that go with hamsters.  He let Elsie name one ( she picked "Watermelon") and he named the other ( "Tommy", slightly less exciting, but more normal ha!)  Now, I know this ALWAYS happens, but who do you think cleans out the cage, and feeds and gives water to these little guys?? Thaaaat's right....ME!! Haha, why do moms always end up with these jobs?  
Jude also took swimming lessons this summer, and loved them!
The last few things we did this summer were church related- we had teen and junior camp, and our annual conference.  I made it out with the kids for two nights of teen camp, and they thought the play was so awesome!!
We made it to one night of junior camp, mainly bc I was 9 months pregnant and I was just plain tired, or we would have made out more than one night.  
I also sang on the worship team this year for conference again ( the week before my due date!! aaahh!!) But it was awesome and the speaker was awesome too!  Conference ended on a Thursday and I had Thatcher that next Tuesday!!  So since then we have been adjusting to having three kiddos! Thad took two weeks off work ( Thank You Jesus!!!!) and then my friend Nesa came and stayed with us for a week and helped me out with the kids and baby ( and we had VBS at church this same week!)
  Shew, Im tired again just thinking about this summer!  Life has started to slowly get back to normal and back in our routine.  The weather is cooling down and all the kids are in school ( we are homeschooling Jude- more on that next time maybe) and life is wonderful, and I am blessed!!  Well, Im falling asleep, goodnight friends :)

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Im baaaaack!! ;)

Phew, its been a whirlwind around these parts as of late!! We have a new little guy around here who has taken up alot of our time and attention! Introducing Thatcher Elijah Dean Williams...
Such and awesome awesome day!! 
I was induced this time ( i was with Elsie also)

 and one of my closest friends ( who happens to be an awesome L&D nurse- love you Tricia!! ) delivered this sweet little blessing! He was 7lbs. 8 oz. and 21 inches long- exactly the same as big brother Jude! We are totally loving this little guy- he's such a chill baby ( thankfully!)  He just turned 8 weeks today, and is packing on the pounds- the only time in his life that double chins and fat rolls are adorable ;)  Anyways, so life around here has pretty much been on baby's schedule, but like I said, he is a pretty easy baby, so it hasn't been too bad.  Jude and Elsie are in love, and help out here and there with taking care of Thatcher. This is them on the morning I was going in for my induction ( they stayed with papaw)!! HA!!  I love this picture- really shows their silly personalities :) We have had so much fun getting to know little Thatcher and growing our family!  
We've also been busy all summer learning to swim!!

 Jude has it pretty down pat, Elsie is almost there- the above picture is with their life jackets on- they are both now life-jacket free and jumping in and swimming under water ( Jude can do the deep end, but Elsie is still stuck in the shallows)  The pool got the cover put on last week b/c its starting to cool down here, but hopefully next year they will dive right in and not be afraid- the beginning of summer, they wouldn't even go under water, so we did swimming lessons with Jude, but he wouldn't at lessons either. One day they were swimming at papaws and Jude just decided he wasn't scared anymore and started swimming like a fish and Elsie soon followed suit!  
We also went on a short little vacation in May to West Virginia.  The hubby and I were invited to the Pastor and Wives retreat this year and then the 2 days following was our Women's retreat.  We had the kids stay with mamaw and papaw wednesday night for the Pastor and Wives retreat and then they rode with them on thursday for the Women's retreat and we stayed until saturday morning. Thad and I enjoyed our one night with no kids ( bc we knew it would be a LONG time before that ever happened again! haha) But I missed my babies and was so glad to see them thursday :) Thad pretty much entertained the kids for the rest of our stay bc I was in sessions for most of the rest of our time- I had such a great time and got to hang out with awesome women! Thad took the kids on lots of hikes and played on the playsets that were around the resort
We had a great time!!
Thad and Jude also took an overnight backpacking trip with our good friend Matt- they had fun doing manly stuff like hiking and building fires and making camp and you know, all that manly stuff....
Thad and Matt usually do a backpacking trip here a couple times a year ( Zeleski State Park) and Thad was so excited to bring Jude this time around! Although this trip was a little different bc they usually stay for more than one night and for some reason they always end up going when its like literally freezing out- or way way below freezing, or blizzard conditions, you  know, bc they're manly and stuff ;) Shew, this post is getting long and probably boring, unless you're me ;), but one more thing we did this summer was celebrate the 4th of July with family and fireworks :)
These pictures were taken on Thad's phone, so they are blurry, but the kids had so much fun that night, and Mamaw and aunt Jen had a surprise guest wanting to sit on their laps ;) 
These are Stag beetles and one somehow found its way onto Mendy's blanket then on Jennifer's lap the night of the fireworks- Jude later added them to his bug collection! I think him and Thad were the only ones excited about these scary guys!!  
Well, I stop boring you and end this one- I've got lots more to come ( Jude has had some cool stuff going on) so stayed tuned :)

Friday, May 27, 2011

Not just luck...

Hello!!! Its been awhile ;)   We have been busy bee's around here lately and I have been resting instead of blogging :)  Just wanted to let you in on what we have been up to lately, and a new book review! First, if you are squeemish, I will warn you, stop reading now! Ahem, anyways, for all you mom's you will completely understand my dilemma! My daughter hates pooping in the potty- she actually hates pooping period, which causes a lot of stress around here for sometimes a day or two...this little stinker will hold it and hold it for as long as she possibly can until she has little accidents and then its usually at least an hour of sitting on the potty trying to coax her into letting the poopy come out, sigh, its....frustrating to say the least, but we have been working on it and trying different things, this is something that has helped a little bit ( kinda blurry, sorry)
We get the huge 12 pack and both my kids love yogurt so, this was an easy option.  We have also been doing prizes and treats as rewards for going on the potty
She had just gotten her lamby back and eaten a sucker, so she was happy :)
I have to say though, I DO NOT LIKE potty training!!! Its awful , and both my kids trained pretty easy, we have just hit a snag with the #2 with Els, but I honestly think this has been the worst thing so far in parenting- I hate potty training! 
Okay, for those that are squeemish- its safe to start reading again :)
Besides yogurt, my kids LOVE fruit, they would eat it all day long! Daddy had been doing shish-kabobs on the grill so the kids wanted to make some of their own...
Yum! They had so much fun eating their fruit off of a stick! Kids are funny!
We have also been outside- ALOT because its been pretty nice lately ( besides the tremendous amount of rain)
They both got bug houses ( as a prize for pooping on the potty, even though jude does fine on the potty, we let him in on the getting prizes thing too!)  So they have been using every spare second outside to catch bugs and color with chalk :)
That is Frog, from word world :) Jude loves that show!
 And some ABC's
We also had some fudge pops- thankfully outside ;)

Can you tell they enjoyed those?  Jude thought it was so cool to have the stick still hanging out of his mouth and cracked up when I showed him the picture :)  I love these kiddos!

Now a more serious note- I have been asked by a few people to share this story on my blog, because it really is an awesome testimony!  
Last Tuesday ( May 17th) I woke up feeling super tired, and even through breakfast I just couldn't shake this overwhelming grogginess.  I just thought that we had had a long weekend staying up too late, and I had a pretty bad head cold, and all that combined was just catching up to me.  Well it was about 10 and I was still sitting snuggled up in the chair, way more tired than usual and starting to get a really bad headache.  The kids were also acting really tired and cranky, so I told them to come on upstairs and Id put a movie on in my room for them so they could lay in my bed and rest.  Jude started complaining about his belly hurting and he felt like he was going to throw up, I just kept telling myself that I just needed to get up and get moving- I had a bunch of laundry to put away, so I went downstairs and grabbed some clean clothes and was totally out of breath and lightheaded when I got back upstairs.  Just still thinking that I was just tired, I started to put the laundry away.  I started to get the feeling that something wasn't right, that I wasn't just tired, that something else was going on, so went downstairs to grab a few things out of the van, and when I came back in, I thought I smelled something, but I had a cold and couldn't really smell, so I wasn't sure.  At about that time, I started getting a severe ringing in my ears, so bad that I couldn't hear at all.  I went upstairs to grab my phone and both of my kids were asleep- NOT NORMAL!! My kids very rarely nap, especially at 1130 in the afternoon, so I immediately called my brother in law to come see if he thought he smelled something in the house.  As soon as he walked in , he said that it smelled weird, not like normal gas, but just strange.  So I immediately got my kids up and out of the house!! As soon as we got to Stevens house, my kids were their normal rambunctious selves, and I put in a call to my gas company.  About 20 minutes later, the guy called to have me meet him over here.  He walked in and said right out- "that smell is definitely Carbon Minoxide!"  He had his alarm sensor and it had started going off as soon as he walked in.  He asked where my furnace was and proceeded to check it and the water heater.  My head started to pound like crazy again.  Steve ( my father in law) walked in about this time and they had me turn the furnace off ( the water heater was fine.)  The gas man also turned the gas completely off to the furnace.  He then told me to open all the windows and doors to let everything air out.  The carbon minoxide levels in our house were 200 ppm, when the furnace wasn't running, and shot up to 300 ppm when it kicked on- 50 ppm is toxic to a healthy adult.  My kids should be dead....they had both already passed out and I was suffering from a horrible headache and lethargy.  The Lord saved our lives!! I know now that the nagging feeling I had that morning was the Holy Spirit telling me that something wasn't right, to get out.  I came home about an hour later ( he said I only had to wait 15 minutes, but I was scared) and broke down- I kept praising the Lord for saving us, but still thinking about what could have happened.  If I would have just given in to my grogginess and laid down with my kids, Thad could have came home to find us dead....I know the Lord is faithful to those who love Him, and this was His faithfulness at work! That night we headed to the store and bought 2 carbon minoxide detectors!! I guess, I also wanted to share this story b/c if you don't have a detector in your house and you use gas- PLEASE get one and protect your family!!  I am sooo thankful to the Lord for his protection!  The Lord is faithful!!  
I hope this story will show that the Lord is faithful and true and He loves his children- and that satan is still overcome!! Have a great memorial day weekend!!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

just life...

You know, I have been thinking alot lately about life, obviously, my life in particular.  I really do love the blogging world, bc you get to read so many blogs of ppl who are like you and have the same goals/interests/lifestyles as you.  It is so encouraging to me to see so many stay at home mom bloggers who are doing something so important for their family.  I have very strong opinions about staying at home.  I also feel like we sahm's get a bad wrap sometimes bc you know, all we do is watch soap operas and eat bon bon's right??  I know that staying at home to take care of my family and house ( and the million other things we take care of) is an extremely important job!! I also sometimes feel though that there is more I could be doing, more I could be learning, more I could be trying....I guess I have been feeling like setting some big goals for myself and our family.  I would really LOVE to contribute financially to our family, but I won't stop being a sahm- this is one of my new goals....I have a few ideas rolling around.  Aaannnyways, I just feel a little tugging to go further and do ever get that feeling? Like you've been content for too long?  Its time to get moving!  Don't be afraid to set goals and try your best to reach them!

AAhhh, now that that is out of the way, we have been doing a little painting around here lately ;)
Elsie had a little too much fun with the red paint haha! 
This weekend was also Easter weekend, we had a BUSY weekend to say the least, but not too busy to overlook the fact of what Jesus did for us, and for that we will be ( literally) eternally grateful! We love us some Jesus!! Here are some of the things the kids got for easter and them dressed up for church ( warning: lots of pics, only bc my kids are crack-ups when they get their pictures taken and I think they are hilarious!)
I tried a few more pictures then I just gave up! ;)
Elsie lately has seriously been liking baths- she begs to take them and will play forever!  ( yes, this blog post is all over the place...hang on to your hat ha!)
She's a nut ;)
Last, but not least, I may start doing a book reviews section on here too- I read....A LOT!!! So, that may be something I could handle talking about ;)  soooo.....Book review #1- "The Same Kind of Different as Me" by Ron Hall and Denver Moore.  What a good book!! I loved it ( and an easy read, I read it in an afternoon)  It's a true story about a black man who is basically a slave even into the late 1960's who travels to the state of Texas and meets a rich white couple who change his life ( and him, their's)  I really loved this book- a reminder for all of us of what Christian service truly is, and how to see the heart of every person, the way Jesus does.  Anyways, let me know some good book recomendations and let me know if you have read or decide to read this book and what you thought/think!! :) Have a great rest of the week!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

playing and crafting

My kids LOVE to go to the library ( which I love bc I also LOVE the library!)  They typically pick out story books, but these last couple times, they have found ( thanks to daddy ) craft books....which equals ...mess! We have done a bunch out of the dinosaur craft book Jude found, and my kids reaally really love pipe cleaners- which really works out bc they are not messy and they are really fun ( just ask my kids!) so needless to say, I stocked up on pipe cleaners and just get the bag out for my kids when they want to do a craft :)
Jude is making train tracks and Els is making a dinosaur with an egg carton skirt ;) 
Speaking of reading, today Elsie brought me a pile of books to read bc we were all a little bored sitting around the house.  We read this pile and Elsie dozed off- here is what we are doing....
Jude is trying his best to be quiet since sissy is asleep....

This is what I should be doing, but, you know, dishes are pretty loud ;)
I have to say, this is my least favorite thing to do- I HATE dishes- even more than laundry!! 
Something else my kids have been obsessed with for a LONG time is Angry Birds- and now Mac has an app store for desktops, so we have full screen version of Angry Birds!! Jude is loving it!
I made my kids french toast the other day for breakfast and it was a hit with Jude, but I am beginning to think that Elsie is not a breakfast person- she ate all the fruit, but left the toast....
Elsie also doesnt like syrup- weirdo ;)
Sorry, we have been a boring bunch lately, so not much else to report- we are eagerly awaiting warmer weather and being outside- we are tired of being cooped up all day!  We are supposed to have warm weather this weekend, and we are going to watch my inlaws dog for them, while they are on vacation for spring break, so hopefully we'll be out more this weekend!
Also, my best friend just had her beautiful daughter Macy Rose this weekend!! So happy for them, and now I cant wait for my turn!
Well, I will leave you with this picture that I thought was cute- I told Elsie to take her boots off- she was a good listener :) This is exactly how I found them...

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Sleepovers, SPRING!!, and new chores :)

Well, I was going to write about how we've been having the most glorious weather, and then I woke up freezing ( I forgot that I had turned my furnace off the yesterday bc it was like 70 degrees outside.)  It is now 30 degrees outside!! :(  Oh well, you think I would be used to this since I have lived in Ohio my whole life, but its still a bummer!!  Anyways, before today, the kids have been outside alot and having so much fun!!
of course Lamby had to come out and enjoy the weather with Elsie :)

I actually really enjoy winter and snow and all that, but I am tired of being cooped up in the house!! And its really weird because Im usually always burning up when Im pregnant, but this time I have been cold, so Im ready for some warm weather!

Jude and Elsie had a couple sleepovers lately ( my friend Stephanie and I just traded a kid for a night ;) ) I think its so fun to see the kids interacting with other kids and having a good time! Gibson stayed with us the first time and I sent Elsie off to stay over with Ava, and it was a success! so a couple weeks later we traded opposite and Ava stayed with us- I forgot to snap any pics of the girls, but here are some of the boys!
Brushing teeth ( and checking out how handsome they are :)
They had so much fun! 

Another new thing my kids are doing is making their beds every morning.  They actually dont mind doing it and do a pretty good job
both the kids just got "big kid beds" and so it makes this chore a little more fun! And, yes, that is a boppy on Jude's bed- I pulled it out the other day when I was going through our baby stuff, and he found it a couple days ago and has slept with it ever since...silly kid :) Also, they must like making beds bc they tore my blanket off mine and made a big one on the floor...
I also have to mention that I have done very good about keeping my ocd in check with their bed making- I see that the blanket isnt perfect or flat, but I tell myself, "leave it alone!!" And I do!! haha, I really dont know if I would be diagnosed with OCD, but if not I am definitely on the verge, so this is a big deal for me :)  Which reminds me- I have made a new rule in our house- no food or drinks off the kitchen table, now that my kids dont do sippy cups anymore, I was so nervous having them take cups all over the house and spilling them! I know you are thinking "duh, why didnt you think of that earlier" and.....I dont know, I just didnt care when it was sippy sups and taking bowls of cereal or snacks didnt bother me much either, but  ( OCD again) I am constantly vacuuming!  This new rule is cutting down on that a bit. More of a sanity saver for me :)

Anyways, here are is a juice we have been enjoying lately ( Im usually not a juice person unless its orange juice, but I LOVE this) 
It almost tastes like baby food but in juice form- really tasty! 

Lastly, we have made the decision to do public school for kindergarten.  We went this past tuesday to register and here is all the paperwork we brought home!
Jude is sooo excited!! I cried all the way home.....yes, Im a big baby!!  Im just not ready for him to be in school! I will just miss having him home all day with us, but I'll have Elsie and the new baby ( which is a BOY!!)  to keep me busy :) 
Well, I need to get some cleaning done ( seriously, Im OCD) so until next time, enjoy this freezing weekend!