Friday, February 3, 2012


Okay, can I tell you that I NEVER make resolutions.  But I read a lot of different blogs and I was inspired to make a few goals for myself this year ( by this blog )  Anyways, she has a HUGE bucket list of things she wants to do, and I thought that would be a great idea, but Im making a goals list for 2012! I love making goals, and especially writing them down and then being able to look back and see what you have accomplished!  Here it goes:
1.Read 10 classic books - from this list
I have already read a few on the list and right now I am working on "A Tale of Two Cities" and "Great Expectations" and also have started "Treasure Island" with the kids :)
2. Keep track of all the books I read this year
3. Read the Bible through ( I have done this twice before)
4.Teach my children the importance of reading classic literature and reading in general
5. Watch less t.v.- I own a television, I don't have channels, but we do have netflix.  This goal is more for my kids, not letting them watch as much t.v.- I limit how much they watch anyways, but I would love to get to the point where they don't watch t.v. at all ( lofty goal, I know!!) 
6. Eat better!! We have been trying to make the transition to more organic/all-natural foods and products in general, but I am our biggest hinderance, b/c I LOVE chocolate!!  I especially love hostess chocolate cupcakes and would devour a whole box a day if I could in good conscience!  
7. Lose weight- see above comment ;)
8. Get up to date with my scrap booking/memory book things.  Ugh, I am soooo far behind- we will see if this happens!
9. Give more- give more of my time, my efforts, money, love- just GIVE more!
10- Grow in the Lord- trying to do this daily- listening to the Holy Spirit, praying and reading more!
These are some of my goals for this year, I will update the progress and tell you about what I am reading and what Im eating ( or wishing I was eating! haha!)  What are some of your resolutions/goals/bucket list items??  Have a great weekend!