Friday, May 27, 2011

Not just luck...

Hello!!! Its been awhile ;)   We have been busy bee's around here lately and I have been resting instead of blogging :)  Just wanted to let you in on what we have been up to lately, and a new book review! First, if you are squeemish, I will warn you, stop reading now! Ahem, anyways, for all you mom's you will completely understand my dilemma! My daughter hates pooping in the potty- she actually hates pooping period, which causes a lot of stress around here for sometimes a day or two...this little stinker will hold it and hold it for as long as she possibly can until she has little accidents and then its usually at least an hour of sitting on the potty trying to coax her into letting the poopy come out, sigh, its....frustrating to say the least, but we have been working on it and trying different things, this is something that has helped a little bit ( kinda blurry, sorry)
We get the huge 12 pack and both my kids love yogurt so, this was an easy option.  We have also been doing prizes and treats as rewards for going on the potty
She had just gotten her lamby back and eaten a sucker, so she was happy :)
I have to say though, I DO NOT LIKE potty training!!! Its awful , and both my kids trained pretty easy, we have just hit a snag with the #2 with Els, but I honestly think this has been the worst thing so far in parenting- I hate potty training! 
Okay, for those that are squeemish- its safe to start reading again :)
Besides yogurt, my kids LOVE fruit, they would eat it all day long! Daddy had been doing shish-kabobs on the grill so the kids wanted to make some of their own...
Yum! They had so much fun eating their fruit off of a stick! Kids are funny!
We have also been outside- ALOT because its been pretty nice lately ( besides the tremendous amount of rain)
They both got bug houses ( as a prize for pooping on the potty, even though jude does fine on the potty, we let him in on the getting prizes thing too!)  So they have been using every spare second outside to catch bugs and color with chalk :)
That is Frog, from word world :) Jude loves that show!
 And some ABC's
We also had some fudge pops- thankfully outside ;)

Can you tell they enjoyed those?  Jude thought it was so cool to have the stick still hanging out of his mouth and cracked up when I showed him the picture :)  I love these kiddos!

Now a more serious note- I have been asked by a few people to share this story on my blog, because it really is an awesome testimony!  
Last Tuesday ( May 17th) I woke up feeling super tired, and even through breakfast I just couldn't shake this overwhelming grogginess.  I just thought that we had had a long weekend staying up too late, and I had a pretty bad head cold, and all that combined was just catching up to me.  Well it was about 10 and I was still sitting snuggled up in the chair, way more tired than usual and starting to get a really bad headache.  The kids were also acting really tired and cranky, so I told them to come on upstairs and Id put a movie on in my room for them so they could lay in my bed and rest.  Jude started complaining about his belly hurting and he felt like he was going to throw up, I just kept telling myself that I just needed to get up and get moving- I had a bunch of laundry to put away, so I went downstairs and grabbed some clean clothes and was totally out of breath and lightheaded when I got back upstairs.  Just still thinking that I was just tired, I started to put the laundry away.  I started to get the feeling that something wasn't right, that I wasn't just tired, that something else was going on, so went downstairs to grab a few things out of the van, and when I came back in, I thought I smelled something, but I had a cold and couldn't really smell, so I wasn't sure.  At about that time, I started getting a severe ringing in my ears, so bad that I couldn't hear at all.  I went upstairs to grab my phone and both of my kids were asleep- NOT NORMAL!! My kids very rarely nap, especially at 1130 in the afternoon, so I immediately called my brother in law to come see if he thought he smelled something in the house.  As soon as he walked in , he said that it smelled weird, not like normal gas, but just strange.  So I immediately got my kids up and out of the house!! As soon as we got to Stevens house, my kids were their normal rambunctious selves, and I put in a call to my gas company.  About 20 minutes later, the guy called to have me meet him over here.  He walked in and said right out- "that smell is definitely Carbon Minoxide!"  He had his alarm sensor and it had started going off as soon as he walked in.  He asked where my furnace was and proceeded to check it and the water heater.  My head started to pound like crazy again.  Steve ( my father in law) walked in about this time and they had me turn the furnace off ( the water heater was fine.)  The gas man also turned the gas completely off to the furnace.  He then told me to open all the windows and doors to let everything air out.  The carbon minoxide levels in our house were 200 ppm, when the furnace wasn't running, and shot up to 300 ppm when it kicked on- 50 ppm is toxic to a healthy adult.  My kids should be dead....they had both already passed out and I was suffering from a horrible headache and lethargy.  The Lord saved our lives!! I know now that the nagging feeling I had that morning was the Holy Spirit telling me that something wasn't right, to get out.  I came home about an hour later ( he said I only had to wait 15 minutes, but I was scared) and broke down- I kept praising the Lord for saving us, but still thinking about what could have happened.  If I would have just given in to my grogginess and laid down with my kids, Thad could have came home to find us dead....I know the Lord is faithful to those who love Him, and this was His faithfulness at work! That night we headed to the store and bought 2 carbon minoxide detectors!! I guess, I also wanted to share this story b/c if you don't have a detector in your house and you use gas- PLEASE get one and protect your family!!  I am sooo thankful to the Lord for his protection!  The Lord is faithful!!  
I hope this story will show that the Lord is faithful and true and He loves his children- and that satan is still overcome!! Have a great memorial day weekend!!

1 comment:

  1. wow Sara! Praise the Lord !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! love yall!!! :)
