Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Good Mornin!

Okay, well, I have lots to post about, because its been awhile.....so get ready- lots of words and pictures coming up :)  We have had such a busy summer this year that I sometimes feel like Im a zombie and just cant wake myself up! Thad and I have been busy with our different things and so when we meet up at home after the dinner, baths, teeth brushing, story telling and everything is done for the night we want to hang out, and usually we are getting started late and then watch a movie and dont end up going to bed until 12 or 1 so needless to say, we're pooped!!  But, God is good and we are blessed!

One thing I have always tried to do with the kids is make regular trips to the library.  They LOVE going into the library and picking out mountains of books!  One set of books we really love are the ladybug girl books- they are so cute and very accurately written from a little girls perspective- my kids really enjoyed them.  And of course anything with dinosaurs or trucks tickles Jude's fancy. :)
I so enjoy reading and Im so glad that my kids do too!

We also have really tried to be purposeful about spending time together as a family, just us four.  We have been doing some hiking this summer and going to the resevoir to swim and play in the sand ( and chase around all the annoying seagulls)  The kids have really enjoyed their summer so far i hope and although we've had lots of changes its been fun!

We've also had a few ( very few) relaxing days at home to just play and watch movies.  My kids' favorite movies right now are, just tv shows we have on dvd ( we dont have any kind of regular tv- we can only watch movies, which is VERY okay with me- there is not much worth watching on tv) like Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and of course Thomas.  We also took them to see dispicable me at the theater and they loved it, or more they loved all the snacks they got to  eat and getting to drink real pop!! woohoo! ;)

Jude's been adding to his ever growing HotWheels collection
And it seems all my kids wanna do is SNACK.....ALL.DAY. LONG!! see example below

But.....I'm just as guilty

We have also had alot of parties this summer too- Jude turned 4 and his best buddy Gibson turned 4 the next day

But, we have had a full summer and had lots of fun, but we are so ready for fall and cooler weather and hopefully some slowing down in the pace of things. So, thats been our family life this summer! Now here's some of whats been going on with FBI youth!

We have had a really busy summer with the students, and loved every minute!  Our kids got to join us for Slosh wars and they had a blast!  I'll let the photos speak for themselves :)

Here's one of the games from one of our regular youth services, again, the pics speak for themselves :)

we've had so much fun with the students this summer!! Please continue to be in prayer for our Students and our ministry! 
I hope you all have also had a wonderful summer and enjoyed your families as much as I have, now bring on sweaters and cool weather!!

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