Thursday, December 16, 2010

A Birthday and Sickness!

Well, one more year down for sweet Elsie.  She is the big 3 :) Time has flown! Im almost in tears writing this bc she is my baby ( for right now anyway haha) and its so hard, but so precious to see her growing into a little lady.  She is my little angel.
"But as many as received Him to them He gave the right to become children of God, to those who believe in His name" John 1:12
I love how the Lord puts such importance on children, children are our legacy and the greatest blessing the Lord could give us, and sadly we dont treat/think of our children that way most days.  During the mundane and hectic days of life children are still a wonderful beautiful blessing that should be cherished and treated as such, bc it really,truly goes SO fast and they're grown. Okay, now that we are all teary-eyed ;) I'll move on to Elsie's party..... 
The last few birthday's for both kids, we have been having them here at the house.  Its crazy how you think your house is big enough for a little party- ha!
well, it's a tight fit, but still sweet and fun.  This year for Elsie's party we had a few ppl who couldnt make it and so we werent so tightly packed in :) 
This year I also made the few little decorations and we just tried to have a stress free time getting ready- I hate that feeling of stressing out over a little kids party!! so silly to me! But we made easy food and just had a good time hanging out with family and some friends and celebrating Elsie!
So, after having the party and getting to relax that night, Elsie started getting a low grade fever and ended up being sick on her birthday and we skipped church also.  Jude had just gotten over the same thing and I still had a pretty bad cold, so we were a miserable bunch! haha, but we are all on our way to getting healthy :)
Okay, so Ive been trying to let my kids help me more in the kitchen and just with chores and stuff like that. The reason I say "let them" is bc I am very ocd and particular and so its hard for me to let anyone else do the cleaning and stuff around here, but, alas, I have given up some control :) Here is some proof.....( I washed all the glass stuff and knives first, but let them go at the plastic stuff and I have to say, they did a great job!!)
and ugh, Im kind of embarrassed about my almost dead flowers in the window, but Im trying to revive them!! haha I guess I could have pulled them out before I took the pics, but eh, you get it honest here!! :) well, Hope everyone has a great weekend and get out there in the snow!

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