Thursday, December 29, 2011

snatched a bit of time to blog

Wow- time has just really flown by this year! I cant believe that my kids are getting so big, its such a bittersweet thing to watch- my kids growing up.  I have been thinking a lot lately about my kids and how we are raising them ( do you all question every single thing you do as a parent?? I do!) There was this little girl, I overheard talking a few years ago who saw some boys skateboarding around on the sidewalk and made the comment " I bet they don't go to church" This just made my heart sad- she was young, and still very much influenced by her parents ( good and bad, as all our children are at a young age) but I thought, " boy, it sure is sad that we, as adult Christians make the same quick judgement calls on "certain" people.  These certain people can be whatever in christian society is deemed "bad" I know I may come across as a liberal, tolerant of all things kind of "christian" right now, but honestly I don't care. The point Im trying to get across ( to myself included, bc as much as we don't want to be, we can all be guilty of this at times) is that, as christians, we should show, give, spread, have LOVE!  I am in no way excusing or justifying things that are wrong ( the Bible is very clear about sin ) but, I have just been feeling like its so easy in our little christian bubble to look past people we judge as not looking the right way, not talking the right way, not being just like the cookie cutter christian is "supposed" to be.  God is love- yes, God is jealous, God will punish sin, but God is a loving God and is so outside of our realm of understanding that we cannot even begin to comprehend the love He has for us, and we are called children of God- lets show that to the world instead of quick judgements and harsh words.

Big sigh :) okay, the reason I said that whole spiel is because I am constantly reminding myself that the things I do, the things I say, and the way I act will have a direct effect on my children and how they do things, say things, and react to things.  I want my children to have love and compassion for other people and to understand what that means- to really care for other people.  I also, have been really wanting to teach them the importance of family, and spending time together as one- i know that i only have a certain amount of time before they won't want to spend time with us- they will have friends and other more "important" people to spend time with, but I hope we can instill a good family time routine, that will maybe even last through adolescents.  We did have a wonderful time with our family during the christmas holiday this year, but more on that later ( I haven't even caught you up on Thanksgiving- geesh!)   I have one last thought on this childrearing topic ;) I was talking to a good friend recently and told her how, when people compliment my children, I usually brush it off and say how they are rotten most of the time.  I told her how, when I think about it later, I always regret saying it, b/c, although I don't want people to, in anyway, get the idea that i think my kids are perfect or better than other kids ( b/c i know they are not) I also, don't want my kids to always get the message that even when they are well behaved it still isn't good enough, they are still rotten.  I think about how, as babies, we praise every little thing that they do- crawling, walking, learning to feed themselves, but then it just kind of stops there- then discipline sets in and we can sometimes over-criticise our children ( i still haven't figured out the balance of teaching my kids, and when to just let them be kids and remembering they will act like kids)  Anyways, I think we should be our kids biggest cheerleaders and always make sure they know we are so proud of them!

Last topic is FOOD!! How is it that i always end up talking about food, but I hate to cook it??  haha!! I do enjoy food though, at least the eating part! Anyways, we are slowly trying to make our way to more whole/organic foods and just healthier eating all around.  Its expensive, so I know there are things i just wont be able to afford to buy organic, but we are trying, and I am really enjoying it- it really makes such a difference in the way you feel.  I also want my kids to have healthy eating habits and not be picky eaters!!  I will keep you updated on how things are going and what adjustments we have made so far in another post, but we are liking it so far!! Hope you all had a wonderful holiday and are looking forward to the new year!!

P.S. I did finish the book "Comes a Horseman"- really pretty good, kinda scary in some parts, but I liked it alright.  Not even half way through "Uncle Tom's Cabin" I think this will be one that I finish over time, but I really like it so far! Also, completely stopped reading "Mein Kampf" not sure if I will have the stamina and persistence to try that one again??  We shall see :)

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