Friday, January 20, 2012

game night and vacation

Well, Ive been meaning to post about this for 2 months, just have lots of pics, so I kept putting it off.  We got to go on vacation with my inlaws over Thanksgiving break.  We stayed in Williamsburg Virginia, but did traveling most of the days for sight seeing.  We left the Monday morning before Thanksgiving at 5 a.m. I think?  I was really nervous to travel with Thatcher- I wasnt sure how he would do for a 9-10 hour trip.  He did awesome on the way there ( horrible on the way home, but we made it in one piece!!) Elsie threw up and Jude did wonderful haha! :) Sigh, traveling with little ones can be an adventure!  We got there Monday evening and rested and got settled in.
Then Tuesday we made our way to Jamestown- it was so awesome! I really enjoy history, so this was right up my alley! The kids loved seeing the ferries out on the water and they loved the reenactments :)
We had such a good time and it was so neat to see the original Jamestown settlement where everything started!  
Then on Wednesday, we stayed in the condo for the morning and afternoon just hanging out and ventured out to Virginia Beach that evening.  We wanted to take the kids to see the ocean, they have only drove by it, never gone on the beach.  So we got there and it was ridiculously windy and cold- one of the only evenings it was like that while we were there!! But the kids loved it and the beach looked so crazy with the wind and fog!!  They also had big light displays all down the boardwalk for Christmas- really cool :)  All the pics are on Thad's phone :( Then after we left the beach, we met some of our good friends for dinner and shopping at Target haha! It was so fun to hang out with you Jimmy and Selina- thanks for meeting up with us!
Thursday ( thanksgiving day) we decided to head up to D.C.  Well, we got out to start walking around and I was putting Jude's coat on and reached into his pocket and he had a fake plastic army knife in there!!! Geesh, of all things I could have found in his pocket!! Ha! So as we were walking Steve threw it in the trash! Lands sakes!! Anyways, this was my favorite day!! We didn't get to go in alot of the museums and things i really wanted the kids to see b/c it was a holiday, but I hadn't seen the new WWII monument and it was impressive! Also, the reflecting pool is being dug up so the kids didn't get to see that, but they loved the Lincoln Memorial and counting the steps as they walked up :)
So awesome to bring my kids here- obviously they didn't appreciate it as much as they would if they were older, so we will probably come back some other time and see the smithsonian and all that with the kids!!
The last day- Friday, we headed over to Busch Gardens b/c it was their first day of the Christmas lights display.  It was PACKED!!! The lights were amazing though and totally made it worth it!! We got the kids these obnoxious strobe light necklace and wand toys ( that they promptly broke on the trip home, of course.) and got some snacks- they were tasty!! And the kids watched the sesame street christmas show. We ended up not staying for too much longer b/c it was getting cold, and the kids were restless.  We got back to the condo and started packing up ( which really means, I started packing up while Thad and the kids played!)
We headed out at around 8 that next morning for probably the longest car ride of my life!! It took us about 13 hrs to get home b/c we had to keep stopping for little Thatcher- he was so tired of being in his carseat! But we got home at around 9 that night and brought our stuff in and crashed!!! We had such a good time and are so thankful to have family that will let us come along on vacation and put up with us for the week- thanks so much Steve and Mendy!! We love you guys and had a wonderful time!

Okay, switching gears- we have game night after dinner on Tuesdays at our house.  We were playing mousetrap or operation for a long time, but then daddy pulled out a game we have had for awhile, but the kids had never played- they loves it and we have played it alot since then.  
We picked up this game at the thrift store where we lived when we first got married.  It is a building game- basically you pick your teammates pieces and they have to build a tower on their block without it falling over- the last tower standing is the winner! They love this game and love trying to pick out the hard pieces for us ;)
Hope you all have a wonderful weekend and enjoy your family!!!

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