Thursday, May 15, 2014

He's working

A couple weeks ago now our women's ministry had a decluttering/organizing class.  We had about 15 ladies that came to get some new tips on organization and to hang out and snack and chat with each other.  I had been looking forward to it, like I do with all our meetings, but this one I was particularly excited about because I love to clean and organize.  Yes, it's true, I find it relaxing and it is a major stress reliever for me.  I was anticipating all these great new ideas and ways to implement them into my home and life.  Well, I got those things, but I also got a whole lot more! Our guest speaker shared a message with us before she got into her tips and tricks of the trade.  She shared a message that she felt the Lord wanted her to share with us, and I'm telling you, she was spot on!! I sat there thinking, "this is for me, if for nobody else, its definitely for me!"  She shared the story of the talents.  She also shared part of her personal testimony.  It was a beautifully heartbreaking story that I could 100% relate to.  She shared about always feeling as if she had nothing to give, nothing that was of value that she was gifted with.  I have felt this so many times in my life.  I have felt the sting of jealousy at others' accomplishments, the wishing that I had the gift or talent that someone else possessed, but of course had not been bestowed with.  My best friend can pretty much do anything- She is organized, a wonderful mom, so gifted in talents with music ( guitar, piano, beautiful singing voice) an amazing artist, she loves to bake and is good at it ( people pay her to make cake pops and other goodies.) Basically, she is one of those people who can "do it all" and still be such a genuinely happy, joyful person who is always pleasant to be around.
 I have many, many friends who I could say many of the same things about.  As I shared in my last blog ( before this ladies meeting!)  I don't feel that I am particularly talented in much of anything.  As I sat and listened to her speaking straight to my heart, I felt the Lord's gentle nudging.  He has not given me gifts or talents to be buried hidden away, He has given them to me for a purpose and He has equipped me with everything I need to excel in those areas.  I have to just trust. Just trust, whew! Why is that so hard?  What are we afraid of?  We put way way way too much stock in what other people think of us.  I know we've heard that our whole lives, but we really do.. It's time to stop comparing and wishing, and just be what God created you to be and to be joyful in that!  I loved what she said toward the end of her message- "When our passions and gifts intersect with kingdom purpose, we have found our true calling."  Beautiful!!! I have been praying since that night for the Lord to show me what that looks like in my life and my family's life.  I want to foster that in my children! What an amazing gift to give your child!  I love Jesus and how He always works things out and shows us His purpose!  What are your gifts and talents?  Are you letting Jesus use those to have an abundant life in Him? Or are you burying yours for safe keeping?  Let the Lord use you and I promise- you will never look back!

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