Wednesday, July 14, 2010

My first BLOG!!

My first ever blog! I am kind of excited- kind of nervous :S Im not a great writer by any means, but have always loved keeping journals. I love the idea of putting down thoughts/ideas/feelings in writing and now I get to share them with people-( atleast people who are in any way interested in my life haha) 

 Well, here goes........ I woke up this morning still a little groggy from lack of sleep( typical mom epidemic) but for some reason just had this great feeling, like I somehow knew it was going to be a great day! I had a stressful day yesterday trying to get things together for my message to the teen girls for thursday night, trying to get things together for the garage sale this weekend, and keeping my house clean, kids fed and entertained. I started to get a little overwhelmed with life yesterday, then I was working on my message for thursday night ( Thad and I are interning to become the new youth pastors at our church), and started getting into the Scriptures, I just had a peace flow over me- realizing that the God of Heaven cares about me sooo much- even in the little mundane things of life. What a great Savior we have! 

 Anyways, Its sunny outside today, nice change from the last few days, and I feel like getting out!! I may just end up pulling weeds, but my kids will have fun if has anything to do with being outside! I still have TONS to get together for the garage sale this weekend too. I was going to go through all of my kids' clothes ( i seriously have like 12 totes of too small clothes in my storage shed!) but now Im questioning wether I really want to do i gonna have more babies??? I just dont know yet, so Im not sure im ready to get rid of anything in those totes quite yet! we speak my 'getting to big already' kids are upstairs playing together, but I cant help but think it would be so nice to have another little baby around to snuggle and take care of. Such a dilemma!! I guess whatever happens, happens- Im pretty good at going with the flow!


  1. aw i love this! :) love you!!!!!!

  2. Awesome :) I'm looking forward to reading your blog!! It should be fun.

    By the way, are you having the garage sale at your house?? We used to take our giveaway stuff to the London thrift store, but now that it's gone, it's just piling up in our house. We may have some things to donate to your cause if you want anymore stuff to sell.

  3. thanks guys- its just fun to journal on here! Heidi- Im actually having it with my friend Beka in plain city-but if you want me to pick up some stuff for you on my way, I can- I have to be there friday morning around 8

  4. Nina says the sure fire way to get pregnant is to get rid of all your baby clothes! ;)
